Delivering great service – as well as great products

As market leaders, we never lose sight of the reality that our very existence depends upon the satisfaction of our distribution partners and end-users. And we take every measure imaginable to ensure that our service matches the standards set by our products.
Initiatives such as Six Sigma Plus – based on the globally recognised Six Sigma approach of continuous process improvements to achieve error-free rates of 99.9997% – have been embraced by our whole organisation. Integrated with additional concepts such as Lean Enterprise, Activity Based Management and Honeywell Quality Value Assessment among others, helps us drive customer satisfaction upwards while driving the total cost of supply and ownership downwards. We were the original pioneers of the Honeywell Operating System, having been first to achieve silver status across the Group and our quality, OTTR delivery & flexibility metrics are second to none.
Add to this unrivalled support from our office staff, who with the help of fully digitised pre and post-order systems, make sure that all products are approved by the relevant certification bodies before timely despatch – it’s easy to see why we’re still the market leader.